Omnichannel Commerce Readiness: 4 Key Steps to Take

Omnichannel Commerce Readiness: 4 Key Steps to Take

Omnichannel commerce represents the future of retail, blending online and offline channels to offer a seamless customer experience. For direct-to-consumer (DTC) ecommerce brands, especially brand founders planning to scale into retail or wholesale within the next 6-12 months, understanding and implementing an omnichannel strategy is not just an option; it's a necessity to stay competitive and meet customers' evolving expectations. 

This guide communicates the 4 key preparations essential for a successful transition.

1. Build a Diverse Product Catalog

In a DTC-only business model, entrepreneurs often have a limited range of products, focusing on a niche market or specific product category. However, when transitioning to omnichannel, expanding your SKU (stock-keeping units) offerings becomes crucial. This catalog should be strategically planned in the 6-12 month runway to omnichannel scaling, ensuring your offerings align with broader market demands and enhance your competitive edge.

Here's why:

  • Retailer Requirements: Different retailers may have specific product requirements or demand variations. Expanding your product catalog with diverse SKUs allows you to meet these demands and cater to a wider audience.
  • Customer Preferences: Omnichannel shoppers often expect a broader product selection. By offering a variety of SKUs, you can better align with customer preferences and increase your chances of making a sale.

2. Invest in Inventory Management

Effective inventory management is vital for omnichannel success. In the critical months leading up to expansion, brands should invest in inventory management to accurately forecast and manage demand across channels. 

  • Inventory Forecasting: Accurate demand forecasting becomes more complex when you're dealing with multiple sales channels. Consider using inventory management software and data analytics to predict inventory needs across various channels.
  • Multi-Location Management: With physical stores and warehouses in play, ensure that you can efficiently track and distribute inventory across different locations.

3. Optimize Your Supply Chain

Preparing your supply chain for omnichannel complexities is a multi-faceted process. Building strong supplier relationships and incorporating fulfillment flexibility will be key focuses in the 6-12 month lead-up. 

  • Supplier Relationships: Strengthen relationships with suppliers to ensure a consistent and reliable supply of products as you scale across various sales channels.
  • Fulfillment Flexibility: Be prepared to adapt your fulfillment processes to cater to both online and offline sales. Consider options like drop shipping or third-party fulfillment services to handle the diversity of orders.

4. Ensure a Consistent Customer Experience

A unified customer experience is cirtical across all sales channels. During the preparatory phase, DTC brands should ensure that branding, customer support, and return policies are harmonized across online and offline channels. 

  • Unified Branding: Ensure that your brand's messaging, visuals, and values are consistent online and offline. A seamless brand identity helps build trust and recognition.
  • Return Policies: Have consistent return policies that align with customer expectations, whether they're returning products to a physical store or initiating online returns.


The transition to omnichannel commerce demands deliberate planning and adaptability, particularly in the crucial 6-12 months before scaling into retail and wholesale channels. By focusing on these four key areas, DTC brands can navigate the complexities of omnichannel expansion, ensuring a seamless shopping experience that meets and exceeds customer expectations across all touchpoints.

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